Church History

The Haven of Rest Baptist Church and Evangelistic Center was organized on Sunday, September 24, 1978 at 5:00 p.m. with eleven charter members. Reverend Nathaniel Nelson was ordained on Sunday, October 29, 1978 by Rev. Claude High, Moderator of the New Era District. Rev. Nelson organized Haven of Rest Baptist Church because he believed that the church should be an inviting environment full of love and dedicated toward helping any individual, that so desired, a better way of serving Christ. October 7, 1978 ~ what a beautiful day this was to behold what God’s children had erected. In the name of Jesus, through faith, prayer and the leadership of our beloved church, we added the proverb: “The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves”.

It has been 40 years since 11 people gathered in the first edifice of a three-part building plan. Today, that gathering is an institution of more than 125 members. God has blessed us to build two buildings. Our new sanctuary was completed in 1988, seating 450 and facilities to complement a full church program.

We have overcome many obstacles in the building of this edifice acquiring money only from our members and friends, not owing anyone anything. But it also shows what can be done when a church prays together and works together under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could stop and rest now?  

But we are told in God’s Word that the race is not given to the strong nor the swift, but to those who endure until the end.

Haven of Rest Baptist Church has been blessed with many auxiliaries. We have three choirs: the Inspirational Choir organized October 1, 1978; the Teenage Choir, in 1986; and the Junior Choir in June, 1980. We are blessed with three Usher Boards and the Nurse’s Guild, the first being organized on February 18, 1979. A Pastor’s Aid Board was organized in January, 1983. Our newest auxiliary is the Youth Fellowship Department. The Pastor counsels with them once a month. Youth Fellowship includes Bible Study, Prayer Service and 5th Sunday programs. The Ministers’ Wives, Deacons’ Wives and Christian Leaders were organized in 1987 for members of our church family to instill spiritual growth and wisdom in the hearts and minds of our leaders.

The Mission Ministry was added in 1978 and has been busy visiting nursing homes and the sick and shut-ins. Each year we give Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas baskets to needy families. In 1998, a special visitation committee was added through our Outreach Program. These members are filled with the fire and Holy Ghost as they witness.


Our Founder and Late Pastor’s pride and joy was his strong Deacon Board. The Deacon Board was formed in 1981. We presently have eight faithful men who all studied under Pastor Nelson and currently under Rev. Cunningham.   The Building Fund Committee has been very successful in fundraising programs. Many souls were saved through our preaching and teaching of the Word. The Sunday School Department was organized on Sunday, March 4,1979. Our children are at a crucial age and the retention of what they’re taught is lasting and meaningful. God has blessed the Sunday School with a highly motivated, understanding, dedicated, patient, loving and prepared staff.

The Building Fund Committee has been very successful in fundraising programs. Many souls were saved through our preaching and teaching of the Word. The Sunday School Department was organized on Sunday, March 4,1979. Our children are at a crucial age and the retention of what they’re taught is lasting and meaningful. God has blessed the Sunday School with a highly motivated, understanding, dedicated, patient, loving and prepared staff.  

In 1992, believing that we needed to extend to a wider audience in our goal of sharing the Word of God to all who will listen, we began our radio ministry, broadcasting on KPRT (1590 AM) on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 PM and in 2006 on KGGN (890 AM) on Saturday mornings at 10:00. Due to Rev. Nelson’s passing, our last broadcast was on Dec. 31, 2014.

We began celebrating September as our Loyalty Month which is climaxed with the Loyalty Banquet.

In 2012 and 2013, we were blessed to be able to upgrade our security system. We replaced the roof on all three buildings and stuccoed and painted the exterior of the church. The interior was painted and the drapes were replaced. We repaired the steps leading to the downstairs classrooms, making it safer. The ceilings were replaced in the sanctuary and the vestibule. And to the delight of both of our wonderful cook staffs, we added air condition to both the first floor kitchen and preparation rooms.

Our greatest challenge occurred the year when our beloved Founder and Pastor, Rev. Nathaniel Nelson passed on July 23, 2014. Rev. Nelson was a strong and mighty “last day” preacher and teacher who believed he would be with us until Jesus’ return but the Lord saw fit to call him home and give him peace. And we had to learn to be at peace with the Lord’s will. Pastor Nelson prepared all who would listen and equipped us with the knowledge needed to continue and fight the wiles of the world. In fact, he preached the hell out of us.

Pastor Nelson has been and will continue to be missed.

On Sunday, Nov 16, 2014, Rev. Cunningham was installed as Senior Pastor of Haven of Rest Baptist Church. Rev. B.G. Roberson was pulpit conductor with Rev. Michael Phillips, Moderator of the New Era District, brought the message and gave the Challenge and Charge to the Pastor. Rev. John Modest Miles, past Moderator, gave the Challenge and Charge to the Church. Rev. Roberson prayed the Prayer of Dedication.  

We believe the Lord put us here and wants us to minister in this community. Our ministry is to reach out and gather into our fold, the many unsaved souls in search of the God we serve. We ask the Lord to bless our members and Pastor, who leads us in the paths of righteousness and helps us work in harmony so our work may prove worthy.